The annual credit report program has been actually formulated to help the consumers to stay updated, get fair treatment and fight against the identity theft. In fact, now one can call up the prominent credit agencies and ask for a free credit report. However, in order to get a free report you would need to provide your name, social security number, address and your date of birth to the bureaus.
Why To Pay For Credit Report when You Can Get Your FICO Score Free
As per the law one can get credit report for free but he needs to make payment for the credit score. Until and unless the FTC decides to provide you free FICO score you must try to find out other means which can help you to get your Fico score for free. It is actually a good idea to keep a tab on the credit score periodically in order to avoid and fraudulent activities. In order to get a free credit report you need to visit the a website which is jointly operated by the 3 prominent U.S credit reporting agencies. Apart from this option there are other ways which would help you to get a free report. Check them out:
As per the law you can get a free report if:
* You are getting certain public welfare assistance.
* You think there are certain inaccuracies complimenting your report due to identity theft or fraud.
* Since you are unemployed you would definitely try to get a job in the next 60 days.