Your credit report contains a collection of sensitive personal and financial information about you gathered from a variety of sources. You may view a sample credit report from Experian at:
You can expect your credit report to contain:
- Personal information, including your current and other recent addresses, telephone numbers, Social Security Number, and birth information.
- A detailed credit history, including information on loans, credit cards, and timeliness of payments.
- "Public" records, such as bankruptcies, judgments, liens, etc.
- A list of all persons or organizations who have requested a copy of your credit report in the last six months. This list may be long and could include:
Requests by creditors;
Requests by you, the consumer;
Requests for promotional purposes.
(These include prescreened credit offers, which you can elect not to receive by calling 888-567-8688 or completing the online form at
Your report may also contain a statement of dispute you, or one of your creditors, may have submitted regarding a disputed item on your credit report. (Information on disputing errors on your report is set forth below.)