Are you trying to get a copy of your free personal credit report without a credit card? I know it is difficult to do anything these days without that little piece of plastic and getting a copy of your personal credit report is no different. But there is a way to get your hands on your free report without having to give out credit card information.
The absolute best place to get your free personal credit report without a credit card is on the government sponsored website This website was developed to allow all U.S. citizens access their report at no cost without requiring financial information.
On this website, you are able to receive one free copy of your personal credit report from each of the three major credit bureaus - Experian, TransUnion and Equifax. You can only get one per calendar year from these sites. After that they start charging you money.
The site is very well-designed and a breeze to navigate. You simply enter your personal details and the rest is easy. The step-by-step process allows for quick access to your three free reports.
There is one point to remember when using this website however. While you will have free access to your report, unfortunately, your credit score is not included. Each agency does charge a nominal fee for you to view your score. Luckily for you though, I have a great idea for how you can get a copy of your report and your score free of charge.
As you probably know, there are thousands of agencies that advertise free reports and credit score access. The bad news is, these reports are not exactly free. The catch is that you need to sign up (with a credit card) and join their monitoring programs first. However, most of these companies offer a free trial version of their programs. So, if you join the program and cancel before the trial is up, you can walk away with a free report and score free of charge.
Your credit history is a very important and valuable piece of information. It is recommended to view your report at least 2-4 times per year to be sure there are no inaccuracies or errors. An inaccurate history can prevent you from getting the loans or mortgage you deserve!