Your credit score is one of the most important pieces of personal information you have, yet there is very little education on how to have a good credit score. What you may not realize is that your score is not only used to help you get a loan and credit, but it is often reviewed by employers when you interview for a job, and it is typically used to establish your auto insurance rate.
If it has been a few months since you last checked your credit score, you may be surprised to see that it probably increased or decreased as much as 100 points. That's because the way your credit score is calculated was recently changed, which caused a lot of people to experience some major changes.
By knowing your credit score and understanding where you stand on the credit rating scale, you can:
- Lower your credit card rates and increase your available spending limit - Change your auto and home mortgage rate, which can save thousands of dollars - Use your available credit as leverage to make money by buying real estate for example
Checking where you stand on the credit score scale takes less than 2 minutes online. By using the link at the end of this article, you just enter your name and address to instantly pull up your score for free. You'll have piece of mind knowing how you were affected by the change in the credit scoring scale. If necessary, you'll see if there's anything you need to do to fix your score.
Visit: to get your free credit report and score.