Before you can use your credit report you need to get your report. Reports are available on request. Free credit reports requested by phone or mail will be processed within 15 days of receiving your request. Such reports were mandated by a federal law enacted in 2003. The program has all now been implemented. is reportedly the only official site where you can get a genuinely free copy of your credit report from all three reporting agencies. And if you/'d rather order your free credit report by phone or by mail, you can do that too . processes requests for free credit file disclosures (commonly called credit reports). I have been told that under the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act (FACT Act) consumers can request and obtain a free credit report once every 12 months from each of the three nationwide consumer credit reporting companies.
Now once you have joined up for your credit report such as at, there is an extra peril. This is that when you receive phishing spam pretending to be your report provider asking for personal information, you may think it is from your real provider asking for your details again from you for a Review or a verification. The thing to remember here is that all the nationwide consumer reporting companies have pledged that they will not send you an email asking for your personal information.
If you get an email, see a pop-up ad, or get a phone call from someone claiming to be from your credit report provider - don/'t trust them! Do not reply but delete the email, do not click on any link in the message.
Companies or individuals promising quick fixes are almost always fraudulent. The important thing to remember is that no one can have accurate information removed from the credit file. Companies still do get away with reading your report. Haven/'t you ever received a pre-approved credit card?
Identity theft is also on the rise, now being the number one consumer complaint reported to the Federal Trade Commission. One of the first places identity theft shows up is often on your credit report. Identity theft may show up as suspicious credit inquiries, changes of address, accounts in default, or new fraudulent accounts in your name.
Monitoring your credit report is your first line of defense in protecting your identity. I like to use the Stop Junk Mail service because I can stop all the credit card offers and other junk mail. Monitor your credit report to catch ID fraud early.
Information here should not be construed as advice and it is offered without legal responsibility or liability. It must be emphasised that you should consult a professionally qualified individual or company (such as an accountant, financial adviser or solicitor for example) should you need advice on your financial situation, as they will be able to relate their advice to your personal needs accordingly.